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September 2024
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Minyan Times

Weekday Minyan

M-F: 6:30 a.m.

Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – followed by breakfast, Video & Chassidus

Shabbos Minyan

Friday Night: 10 minutes after candle lighting

Shabbos Morning Chassidus: 9:30 a.m.

Shachris: 10:00 a.m.

Mincha: @ Candle Lighting (summer) / following kiddush (winter)

Weekly Shiurim

About the Shtiebel

The Tarzana Shtiebel is a community shul with the goal of facilitating the growth of Chassidishkeit in the local Tarzana, California Jewish community. The Shtiebel operates based on minhagei Lubavitch and provides a welcoming an enjoyable shul environment, with a particular focus on younger families and those who have yet to find their place elsewhere in the community. The Shtiebel facilities are available and open to all and offer an affordable venue for kiddushim and other smaller events. With a daily minyan, lively shabbos davening, youth programs, weekly kiddushim and shiurim, the Shtiebel is integral to meeting the needs of the growing community. 

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